Beyonce's Weight Loss Pictures

Hey Blog Readers check out some of these cool pictures of the gorgeous Beyonce Knowles!

beyonce's before after weight loss

Beyonce Knowles Before and After Weight Loss

So what do you think about the weight loss of Beyonce Knowles?
Is this just "correct diet and regular exercise"?
I don't think so!
So what's the secret of her after pictures?
Yes, the answer is Beyonce's lemonmade diet (aka Maple Syrrup Diet) also popularly known as "The Master Cleanse Diet" (see more on Beyonce's Weight Loss Diet)before after picture of beyonce knowles

Beyonce's Weight Loss Diet

beyonce knowles great curvesMost of you, right now, might be thinking "How do I get the curves like Beyonce Knowles?" Yes that sounds a bit tricky!
But my answer to this would be "Correct diet and regular exercise"
Yes "Eating healthy is the key to get success" (see more on Weight Loss Diet).
Beyonce Knowles Diet
Wbeyonce knowles weight loss dietell the very familiar Lemon Detox Diet (aka Maple Syrup Diet) also popularly known as the "Master Cleanse Diet" is the key to her weight loss success. She once said, "I lived on water, cayenne pepper and maple syrup for 14 days", referring to her weight loss of 22 pounds in just 2 weeks for her new film Dreamgirls. So friends if you wanna lose weight in a short time period, then Beyonce's lemonmade diet is in the market and it's one of the quickest and best way.
So what exactly does the Beyonce Knowles diet ("The Master Cleanse Diet") contain?
Well the diet is a mixture of fresh lemon juice, maple syrup, tea, and other laxative products which detoxify the system. Actually the diet was first introduced as a way to flush out all those harmful toxins and unwanted impurities that our body carries inside. But as the time have progressed, people, especially models and celebs have considered the diet as a "Diet for Weight Loss Program". beyonce knowles master cleanse dietIn an article she wrote for a popular magazine that Yes it was very difficult to carry out such a strict diet, mostly liquids, but the ending results were well worth it. This should boost you guys out there!
What's your opinion to this Diet?

Click here to see more before after pictures of the gorgeous Beyonce
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