The main aim of this program is Weight loss, and thats it. The program focuses mainly on developing the physically fit body and staying lean and healthy. Losing weight isn't that simple. But by making well shceduled plans and programs, you can easily knock out that extra bit of pounds (see more on
Weight Loss Management).
1.Being physically and mentally capable:
The first par

t of this program is making sure that you are both mentally and physically fit.
a. Think deeply before you start the program. Decide why you want to start the program.
b. Goal setting is another important part.
c. Also try to eliminate any obstacles and ready to cope the challenges that comes in your way.
d. Visit your health care team and have a physical check up, also explaining the new exercise program that you are going to start. They not only check you up, but also motivate and support you and guide you to the right direction.
2.Food choices 
Choosing the right food is another important thing that you shouldn't forget. Also remember the diet should be safe.It should contain all of the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs) for proteins, vitamins and minerals. The weight loss diet should contain low amount of calories (energy) in a large volume of food. That means your diet should contain variety of dishes including fruits, vegetables and so on. But they should be low in calories and high in nutrients. Also there should not be any restrictions on the foods you eat otherwise you won't be able to stick with the weight loss plans (see more on
Weight loss Diet)
3.Enhance your daily physical activity:You should remain active almost all the time,if it's possible. You should also give some time for rest. As I said earlier that losing weight is possible if you do more work releasing more energy than you consume from your daily food supplements. This way you can burn more calories and stay fit. Also being active prevents you from getting ill. Physical inactivity may not only result in weight gain but it may also invite dreadful diseases, not to mention serious heart diseases.
Exercise also comes under the part of physica

l activity. But most often it is done on regular basis. Exercise and good nutrition help to keep you healthy. Exercising regularly helps to control your appetite and burns off more calories thus helping to lose extra pounds or maintain a healthy weight. Further, regular exercise can help you by lowering your blood pressure, reducing risk of heart diseases and cancer, maintaining bone health, reducing feelings of depression and anxiety, promoting a feeling of well being and so on. (see more on
Weight Loss Exercise)
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