Losing 80 Pounds in 10 Months

Josh, age 33, battled with his weight for many years but last year he decided to get very serious about weight loss after his cholesterol levels reached record numbers and his deteriorating health became life-threatening.

In just over ten months he has succeeded in losing 80 pounds. (That's him on the right in the 'before' photo above.)

He did not use magical pills, go on fad diets or enlist the help of a personal trainer. Instead he lost the weight naturally and on his own.

See his very inspirational weight loss story and more before and after photos here.

Going From Size 14 to Size 8 in Five Weeks

Jimmy Moore has the most successful personal weight loss blog online. He's lost a ton of weight on the Atkins diet.

But now his wife has also decided it was time to lose weight. Christine started a low-carb diet five weeks ago. She's seen remarkable results without trying very hard. Her dress size has gone from 14 to 8 and she has lost 13 pounds.

This is a photo of Christine from five weeks ago when she first started the diet. Check out her success story here.

Joining the Thin Club

Judith Lederman lost a lot of weight nine years ago and has kept it off. She used to weigh 225 and now weighs 135 pounds.

She has written a book about the psychological aspect of her weight loss. The book is called Joining the Thin Club and it is getting very good reviews.

See her website at The Thin Club.

Spicing Up the Low Calorie Foods

Most people don't realize that many spices have a good amount of vitamins and nutritional goodness. Spices can add wonderful zing to many low-calorie dishes that may otherwise taste bland. Especially if you are trying to cut down on your salt intake, many spices make marvelous substitutes.

Here's a great beginner's guide to the key spices available out there today. So try some bay leaves in your lentil soup, cumin in your chili, sage on your chicken breast and some fresh cilantro in your salad.

Check out the health benefits of cayenne pepper, basil, cinnamon and mustard seeds here.

Virtual Weight Loss with Photoshop

Here we have an entertaining video clip of extreme and rapid weight loss using Photoshop. If only we all lived in the virtual world and could lose weight like this in a couple of minutes....

Getting in Top Shape for the Baby

Bret Baier set out to lose 25 pounds by the time his son is born in July. He started his exercise and diet plan on Christmas day. Baier is the Chief White House Correspondent for Fox News Channel. He travels with the President and covers all foreign policy and domestic issues involving the Presidency.

He started at 225 pounds and is now down to 198. His new goal is to be under 195 pounds by the time his child is born.

See his weight loss story at Mens Health.

Fiona Falkiner is Starting Over

Fiona Falkiner lost over 65 pounds as a contestant on The Biggest Loser in Australia last year. The Biggest Loser program involves an extreme exercise regiment that can't realistically be maintained in real life.

Over the past seven months Fiona has regained much of the weight she lost. She's going to try again. This time she is being paid to endorse Jenny Craig in Australia. She's become the cover model on their website. Now the plan is to lose the weight more slowly, but keep it off.

Virtual Weight Loss in Motion

Here's a fun video showing weight loss progress. The virtual model shown here is 5'7". She starts out at 250 pounds and we see her reach her personal ideal weight and then go too far and get to a BMI of 18.

Marcia Brady Loses 34 Pounds

Maureen McCormick, better known as Marcia Brady from the Brady Bunch has lost 34 pounds in 100 days. As she only weighed 150 to begin with this is an amazing accomplishment in such a short time. She lost the weight with an extreme exercise regiment and a very nutritious diet on the Celebrity Fit Club show.

She is only 5'3" and now weighs 116. She lost even more weight than had been her original goal when she started the show. See more before and after photos at ET here.

Miss FAT for 2007?

Who will be Miss F.A.T. in 2007? The hype is just starting now. Here's a short video of Tanisha Malone being crowned last year as Miss F.A.T. 2006.

This is the third year "Mo'Nique's F.A.T. Chance" beauty pageant is being hosted on Oxygen. The final 20 contestants are flying to Paris and the winner will be chosen on July 28.

Losing the Gut

TTT is a 27 year old guy who has lost over 35 pounds in less than four months. He used to weigh 206 and now weighs 169. He feels he is still ten pounds away from his ideal weight.

Of the above before and after photos he says;

The old me had a gut that hung over my belt. That 42 inch waist was a miserable traveling companion. It popped numerous button from the front of some great khaki pants. Now, when I put on my fat clothes they hang on me like a trash bag, and my old, old, old clothes fit perfectly.

See his inspirational story and more before and after photos here.

Exercises for a Flatter Stomach

A few years ago Mike Thornton had a beer belly. He shared this feature with two-thirds of American men. But after a friend said he looked like 'a before picture' he swore off fast food, started exercising and was able to lose 30 pounds and two waist sizes in about three months. Today he is a personal trainer in Dallas.

He says exercises such as 'the plank' help to tighten the transverse abdominis. He calls it "the beach muscle because it's the one that we all draw in at the beach when the girls walk by".

See his exercise tips for a flatter stomach here.

Michael Moore Loses Thirty Pounds

Michael Moore says he has lost thirty pounds over the past three months.

He changed his breakfast to oatmeal each morning. He has switched from white bread and pasta to whole grains. He's walking 10,000 steps a day with his pedometer and has hired a trainer. He also says he has forced himself to sleep seven or eight hours a day; that it is harder to lose weight if you are getting less sleep.

His blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar have returned to normal levels.

Before and After Weight Training Pics

Adam shows us some pretty impressive pictures of how his body has changed over 100 days with an intensive fitness and weight lifting program. It seems hard to believe this kind of transformation would be possible in less than four months but if it's true, it's very inspiring. See his three minute video here.

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