Suzi Godson put on a few extra pounds during her last pregnancy. She has never been overweight but now the pounds don't seem to be slipping off as they did with her previous pregnancies. She has a hilarious writing style. Read her
weight loss diary here. Here's an excerpt;
On my 41st birthday, I gave birth to seven and a half pounds of the 50 pounds that I had gained during pregnancy. When I came out of hospital, everyone assured me that the rest would “fall off” while I was breast-feeding. It didn’t.
After a couple of months I realised that my jelly rolls had no intention of “falling off” without a push. I couldn’t fit into the clothes I wore when I was six months’ pregnant and breast-feeding had increased my appetite to such gargantuan proportions that I was constantly starving.
I had very little energy because Velvet refused to sleep for longer than two hours at a time, day or night, so I lived on a diet of sugar and caffeine to keep myself awake. And my breasts were so enormous that I felt ridiculous whenever I tried to exercise. So I didn’t.
Instead of beating myself up about it I gave myself permission to play earth mother until I stopped breast-feeding, so, for at least six months, I hung around the house nibbling biscuits, feeding the baby and watching re-runs of 1970s American legal dramas while the kids were at school. It was blissful, though occasionally I made the mistake of buying celebrity gossip mags which, at the time, seemed to be plastered with pictures of stick insects at premieres, who had just given birth the night before.
The only real nuisance was that I couldn’t get any of my old jeans past my thighs. It was when I found myself contemplating a pair of XL trousers with an elasticated waistband that I knew the party was over. I was fed up with being a fattie. Fed up wearing DD bras. Fed up with LA Law. I wanted to get my life and my body back, so I began to wean the baby and I went on a diet.
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