Mirror mirror on the wall, what is the best diet of them all?
The Daily Beast has done a statistical analysis of the top 10 diets where clinical results are available and have ranked these diets in order of effectiveness. See their slideshow of the
10 best diets.
You may be surprised to hear that the #1 most effective diet is not Jenny Craig, not Weight Watchers or Atkins. It may be one you've never heard of. It's called Volumetrics.
This diet focuses on eating lots of foods which have a high water content. This means lots and lots of vegetables and soups.
With Volumetrics you can literally eat many pounds of food each day. What I had for dinner last night would be a good example. I was eating alone, so I steamed a big bunch of kale, then added a a can of broccoli soup (250 calories) to give it more taste. This was really nice as was, and I had two huge bowls of it (with a calorie total of probably less than 350?).
(Since some of you may consider this a bit too granola head overboard, i'll just add as a sidenote that in my case i also mixed in a couple of tablespoons of nutritional yeast (which is one of the most nutritious foods, and is quite a bit more tasty than Brewer's yeast. It has tons of protein and B Vitamins). Check out the
The Volumetrics book
on Amazon. It sells for $6.99