He says he's developed the beer belly over the last five years by sitting too long in front of the computer, drinking too many beers and eating fatty foods. He used to be in uber shape before that. But he's got a very successful internet business now, he works from home, sets his own hours and has developed a lifestyle which encourages beer drinking.
He typically wakes up at 10:00am and by the time he's had his coffee and cigs, it is past 11:00am. Then he sits down to work at his computer until about 3:00pm. After that it's the bustle of two little kids and dinner to make. Then he gets back on the computer in the evening, with his favorite beer in hand and works on the computer till almost 2:00am.
Initially he vowed to give up beer for a full month. But now his goal is to maintain some regular beer drinking but still lose the belly. He's got less of a challenge in this regard then some people who've let their beer bellies get quite a bit further out of control. Hop on over to his beer belly blog and give him some encouragement.
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