This is a key premise of a new book, The Sardine Diet.
Most people are not eating enough Omega-3 and this type of fat is far more important in fighting obesity and even depression than many people realize.
We are getting depressed and fat partly because the Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acid ratio in our diet is so out of whack. The typical person consumes thirty units of Omega 6 for every one unit of Omega 3. But the healthy ratio is four to one.
Many people know that the highest sources of Omega 3 are in salmon and flaxseed. But sardines actually have almost twice as much omega 3 as salmon per ounce. And they can be a lot cheaper and easier to eat on a regular basis.
My cupboard is stocked with sardine tins. Now I just have to get into the habit of eating them.
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