I have come to the conclusion that my frequent drinking is the reason for the extra weight that I have. I eat very well for the most part and I try to do half an hour of light jogging a day, 5 days a week, but I feel like I'm not seeing any results. I know jogging isn't the most intense workout, but that in combination with my healthy eating habits should make a difference. So here's my question - if I completely stopped drinking for a month (which would mean eating a little better on the weekends too b/c when you're hungover all you want to eat is grease), could I see a major difference, say a loss of 10 to 20 pounds? I drink to get wasted 2-3 nights a week and just to have a few beers 1-2 nights a week, so I'm hoping it will get me somewhere. If and when I want to have a drink again - what's best as far as low calorie, maybe vodka and diet coke? Suggestions needed, so feel free to comment....
One person answered...
i think most ppl go through this...i was positive that my wieght gain was due to alcohol...and i was right.. i gave it up for 5 monthsbut it worked amazingly ...i lost just about 50lbs and completely cut up ...got in the best shape of my life...the pics are floating around here somewhere...so i definitely suggest it. i don't know if ull lose 20lbs but I'm sure ull feel much healthier and definitely definitely be happy with the results....
good luck
Initial questioner wrote again;
I really do think that I will benefit from giving it up for awhile and then incorporating it back in slowly and much more healthy (i.e. 2-3 vodka or rums with diet soda vs. 6-10 beers per night.) Plus, it's time to stop putting my body (and my bank account) through so much in one weekend. I estimate that I drink anywhere from 2-30 beers a week and that is a lot of calories that my body will not be getting from now on, so I can't see it not making a difference. Plus, the only time I eat fast food or unhealthy stuff is when I'm drinking and/or hungover, so that should help too. I'm not looking at this as a diet per say, but as a healthy lifestyle change in the long run.
Another reader answered;
I hear ya, when you are hung over & starving, I just run to Mcdonalds & down #1 sup-A Sized w/ Hi c, 6 piece Mcnuggetts, extra big mac, extra fries...
THE last thing i want is chicken breast w/ vegetables in this condition.
Photo above is by Tobes501 on Flickr.
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