This is a liquid diet recommended for ten days. Beyonce Knowles may be part of the reason for this diet's resurgence. It's been widely publicized that she lost 20 pounds on this fast to get ready for her role for the movie 'Dreamgirls'.
And Robin Quivers, Howard Stern's long-suffering sidekick, told People magazine that she did the fast on three separate occasions in 2004 and shrunk to 145 pounds from a peak of 218.
I've personally tried to fast, three or four times in the last 10 years, but never lasted more than five days. However, the results were great. If you are overweight, it's probably safe to go without food for a few days if you can muster it (but do ask your doctor, as I am no medical advisor and most doctors are reluctant to recommend this route to weight loss.}
My sister, who is very beautiful at the age of 50, has followed this Master Cleanse fasting diet twice in the last two years, for ten days each time. From personal observation, it worked extremely well for her.
The simple recipe for the Master Cleanse Diet is two tablespoons lemon juice, two tablespoons Grade-B maple syrup, 1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper and 8 ounces of spring or purified water. You can enjoy this drink as many times a day as you want.
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