'The Secret' is probably the ultimate truth; which is that our thoughts are the major factor in determining our lives and our futures. If one can somehow move to a different mind frame, and take on everyday life in a new mindset, this can completely transform the texture of our daily lives and can be the easy driver which enables us to meet our goals.
The Secret comes in DVD or book format and has become the surprise best-seller in the couple of weeks since it was released. This must be due to word of mouth because it hasn't benefited from a massive marketing campaign.
All the small bookstores are promoting it as a great Christmas gift. (Here's one example). Most people are saying that the DVD
Update January 29th: The Secret is being featured on the Oprah show on February 8th. Rhonda Byrne will make her first TV appearance since she released the film. She'll be joined by Jack Canfield, Michael Beckwith, Lisa Nichols, and James Ray.
Here's the trailer video clip of the Secret DVD;
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