"I’m working hard to get myself in shape for my bikini debut on Oprah. I’m walking vigorously (hiking) every morning for one hour on these big ole hills by my house. Then I try to get in an afternoon workout of weights, circuit, palates or yoga. The A.M. thing is like clockwork, the afternoons are hit and miss. But that’s my goal this week; 2 times a day for five days a week until I do the show and then for the whole month of November as I shoot the new Jenny Craig commercial the beginning of December! Yikes!
She also addresses some of her concerns with seeing herself in the gossip magazines, photoshopped to look fatter than she is;
"...my kids are always in the pool or the ocean or some lake beckoning me to come in and I’m always worried that at least a couple of the 8 to 10 paparazzi that hang out in front of my house 24-7 will snap hideous shots of me for the cover of some trash mag. This problem is unique to actresses, but because it is very real, I would like to feel that I look in good enough shape to not die of embarrassment if this should occur. These creeps are ruthless and relentless and with the invention of the digital camera, they can now instantly “doctor” any photo they take to make actresses look any weight they want them to. You might have recently seen some gross picture of me looking fat again with a squirt gun in my hand. Well, it’s the exact same photo that was in People Magazine a few months back. In the People shot (same day, same photographer, same picture) I looked slim and cute; in the rag shot I looked fat and distorted. (Somehow this is not illegal!)"
Anyway- if I like the way I look in a bikini and I don’t feel self conscious or nervous, I will be able to have my attention on my children or my boyfriend or my life; not who’s lurking in the bushes to take a cheap shot. I’ve worked very hard, as you have, to get my body healthy and slim. It mostly makes me angry that you might believe it and give up. Don’t - it is not true and it’s only purpose is to make money with some made-up scandal.
The most important reason I want to wear a bikini on Oprah however, is because if I, a 55 year old woman can look even half way decent, imagine how all of you could look in a bikini. Then all of us can breathe a little easier. Hell, I’ll never look like Giselle, I never did! But maybe close to Bridget Jones or a Dove girl or something that is just fine and healthy and happy with no surgery, no lipo and no drugs-that’s saying something!"
Watch for the bikini show on Oprah this Monday. See more about Kirstie Alley's weight loss progress over the last year here.

Update November 17th: The National Enquirer has Kirstey Alley on their cover this week with the blaring headline; "Kirstey's Secret Liposuction!" That just seems like pure 'made-up story to sell more copies' bunk to me.
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